So this is our first official post. We started this blog in preparation for the arrival of Baby Kuykendall or "Little Bugger" as we have been affectionately calling him/her. We live thousands of miles away from most of our family and friends so transitioning into parenthood may be difficult at times. We hope that this blog will keep everyone connected with what is happening. At least that is the hope.
I imagine that I, (Jessica) will be doing most of the posting, but that's okay. I want you all to know that being away from our family is a very difficult thing. We love you all so much and hope that someday we can all be closer. But until then, we will do the best we can and enjoy the place we are now. It isn't that hard to love South Florida either. I mean we live 5 minutes away from beautiful beaches that people call paradise for crying out loud.
As of today, I am 14 weeks 2 days pregnant with Little Bugger. My official due date is December 26th. I feel bad even typing this, but so far, pregnancy has been pretty darn easy. No morning sickness and no major setbacks. Of course for awhile there, I felt like I could sleep for days and would still be tired, but I think that phase is passing too. I have always struggled with migraines, so it wasn't a shock that they did flair up, but I'm hoping the worst of them are behind me as well. Everything about this pregnancy has been a blessing so it's hard to complain about anything. We feel like we are the most blessed people on the planet and pray that we never take for granted the gift we have received.
If I can figure it out, I will be posting some of the most recent pictures from our ultrasound. It was so neat to see our baby look like an actual baby, not just a blob on the screen. At this point, Little Bugger already has fingers and toes, and can hiccup! So insane. His/her heart is always beating nice and strong and hearing it is the most wonderful sound in the world.
Thanks for reading our blog! We hope you stick around!
I am your first follower. ;-) Interestingly enough, I hardly check my email, but tonight I did and kept it open. And to my surprise, the blog email popped up. We can now be blog buddies. I am so excited for ya'll!
ReplyDeleteYay! I love your blog. I actually had a tear in my eye while reading your 1st post! So sweet. We do have so much to be thankful for! I am sooooo happy for you and Dax and "Little Bugger." Parenthood is an amazing journey and I am so excited to share it with you! You and Dax are going to be awesome parents. Tell that Little Bugger that Aunt Sarah loves HIM so much and cannot wait to meet HIM!! You must post pictures of your preggo belly each month. You made me do it, so I will make sure you do as well! Enjoy these next few months with just you and Dax...and enjoy the planning! It's a fun process and I can't reiterate how happy I am for your family! Take care of yourself Sweet Thing!! Love you!
ReplyDeleteHi guys! A lot of you have asked us how to post comments, I think you may need to "follow" the blog...but I could be wrong too. Since I am the one who created the blog, I think my screen is different than yours. Dax thinks you can just click on "post a comment" at the bottom of the posts and type away. That is what I did just now. Good Luck! We love reading your comments!
ReplyDeleteTo post a comment, you have to register with a google account or another account if you already have one (select profile below). Set up a username and password...
ReplyDeleteJessica and Dax...hopefully I am able to get this cooment posted. Dad and I are so excited about your "Little Bugger"...we can hardly wait to meet him/her! You will both be such WONDERFUL parents, this is a very lucky baby! Love you all, Mom and Dad
ReplyDeleteSister, what a great way to keep us informed of the little one...I'm leaning towards a girl. I've got the blog bookmarked and I'm trying to figure out if I can set it to update on my phone. Hope all is well. I'll send you some of the pics from Disney; I was going to put them on the thumb drive but I'll throw them on a DVD soon. Love you lots!!!
ReplyDeleteJessica and Dax, We are so happy for you! What a blessing for our families....and Mathew said, "It's about time"! We love you...Mom