Friday, July 9, 2010


Here is a quick update...exciting news!!! (click the link) We are so happy to share these moments with our family and friends. This has been an amazing experience, and will only get better from here. Thanks for all the you can all go shopping!



  1. I was ESP was a little off that day. I'm so happy for you all. It sucks that my daughters all have boy get started again quick and give me a niece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS MOMMY & DADDY! That is awesome! Sorry Josh, but I am SO excited it's a boy so Max has a buddy to play with! Loved Loved Loved the video! Very cute idea. Love you guys!

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  5. Guys, I was thinking about the fact that you both have been calling (now him) Little Bugger and to stick with the L.B. intials, I have a few names for you (not that you'll even look at or consider these):

    1-Lucas Brody--giving your big brother a nod with a similar first name to my middle name

    2-Lincoln Bernard--just sounds cool and authoritative

    3-Liam Bastian--Celtic first name and boy's name from The Never-Ending Story

    Now for a few without L.B.:

    4-Tuffy Joe--cuz I never had a boy!!!

    5-Jonathan Rhys--always wanted a kid with the middle name Rhys

    6-Dexter (no middle)--how confusing (and fun) to have a Dax and Dex running around the house!!!

    Hope your day is going well and I hope that we get invited to Skype sometime in the near future!!!


    I had to delete the other two attempts I tried to write this as I misspelled several things!
