Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dax is home!

Dax got home from his trip to Las Vegas very late Monday night. I was supposed to pick him up at 1:30 AM in Ft. Lauderdale. I started to fall asleep on the couch, so I set my alarm. Well, my alarm didn't go off and I woke up at 1:40 when he called me to say he was waiting on the curb. Whoops! I felt really bad that he had to wait, it was already a 5 hour flight that was delayed 2 hours! We didn't get to bed until 3:30 that night. But yesterday, we got so much done! We have been cleaning out our guest bedroom slowly and trying to figure out where we are going to put all this extra stuff that apparently you need when you have a baby. We have no extra closets. We have no extra storage. And I am already OCD enough to go through our things regularly and purge what we don't need or use for donations. But, we managed to come up with enough stuff to join our friends this weekend in a garage sale. So, Dax was really excited to help me organize the garage and all that extra stuff when it was about 115 degrees in there yesterday. But, it's done and I feel so much better about being able to add this little one to our tiny house. He's gonna fit just perfect.

The best thing is that LB kicks all day now. I actually got it on video the other night because he was kicking so strong. Dax was away in Vegas so I took a quick video and sent it to him. My stomach actually moves! I can't believe that this little pepper sized baby can kick so hard already!


  1. Watch out about that kicking stuff. Kris kicked your mon so long and hard that she had to get her gall bladder removed after he was born. I remember putting him in the little white wicker basket that was his home away from home and sittin on the floor in the hallway of the hosipital waiting to find out about your mom.

    Man I don't know what you are talkin bout all the extra stuff and space you need. When Kris was born we lived in a 21' travel trailer parked at tipton trailer court in GI. Our kitchen table was our bed for crying out loud. We got along fine and Kris did not lack for anything. I count those days as the best of my life. It's not the stuff that matters but the love. The first time Kris got fussy Kathy was under the little 12 volt trailer light reading her "I just got a baby, what do I do?" book. He was in his little wicker basket on the stove top fussing about and she was trying to figure out how to comfort him. Memories like that are priceless. That winter I had to overhaul our 1967 ford econoline van with the bed and round window in the dirt driveway. The main bearings should not even have so much as a finger print on them and I dropped one of them on the dirt driveway. Somehow I got that engine put back together and running. Jess- Less is More

  2. Dad, I could fit all my belongings in the back of a tiny Uhaul when I was the same age as you and mom when you had Kris, LOL! Believe me when I say, we don't have that much stuff! I hope that I don't have to get my gall bladder removed before this is all said and done...if he was kicking her that hard, it doesn't sound fun at all. I'll have to keep you posted on that!

  3. Not much you can do to stop the kicking. I remember putting my hand on your mom and feeling the kicks. That was a very neat thing.
    You and Dax are going to be a great mom and dad and all the unknown things about having a baby will work themselves out just fine.

    Of course we wish you were close to home so we could try to help out with stuff. I would like to drive out when you are due if I can work it out. Any how take care and keep up your blog

    I think I will drive out
