Welcome! This blog follows the life of Dax, Jess, Big Sister Harlow, Little Brother Isaac and Leyla the Dog. I am blessed enough to be a mostly stay at home mama and created this blog for all our friends and family who are scattered across the country. I have always enjoy taking photos to document our lives and my newest subjects are the best yet!

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sometimes Christmas comes early

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Homesick Today
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sneak Peak

Here are some pictures of the nursery. We have been working on it the past few weeks and have gotten a lot done! There is still a lot to do, but so far, it is coming together great! Thank you to Poppa K and Sheri (name TBA-any ideas people??) for our crib and dresser. We love it and know that LB will too!
We also had my 25-week appointment today. Everything looks good, baby is measuring right on track. We only got to hear her heartbeat, no ultrasounds. From now on my appointments will be every three weeks instead of four, and soon, they will be every two weeks until the last month where the doctor will see me every week. It was nice to know I’ve past another milestone in pregnancy. Of course I want our baby to come out when she is good and ready, but I am getting so excited to meet her and actually, I dunno, start our LIFE together. I keep thinking of my mom and Dax’s mom and what they went through when they were pregnant with us. I guess you never really understand until it happens to you. I love and appreciate them more than ever. They took such great care of us, we are going to do the same for LB.
It looks like we might have our baby by the 20th of December (or sooner). I like the sound of 12/20/2010 for a birthday! I would love to be able to work until December 17th which is all the way up to our Winter Break at school. But, who knows what will really happen! My mom keeps reminding me that all of us Connelly kids came EARLY!! But, then Dax was 2 weeks late (and over 9 lbs…). So, this is one we will just leave up to God, it is out of our hands! He has gotten us this far and we know he will see us through.
That’s all for now!