Hope you're prepared for a the longest post yet... We had a very eventful week in Texas with a lot to report! So....here we go!!!
Dax's dad and mom (Poppa K and Grammie) picked us up at the airport. Harlow did excellent on her very first plane ride. Our worst fears of her screaming while passengers stared at us in disgust didn't come true, at least not this time. She's a rockstar. The most annoying part was hauling all the nine million extra things you need when you travel with a child. Aunt Meme, Aunt Ali and Uncle Joe all came to the airport to see us. Er, I mean to see Harlow. Good thing too, because they had to haul the stroller monstrosity in their car-we had no room after the suitcases, car seat and passengers filled up the Mazda. Good Lord, traveling with an infant is much more difficult than strolling onto the plane with your carry-on. Those days are GONE!
The interesting thing about our family traveling or on vacation is that Dax and I absolutely switch roles. He becomes easily frazzled and stressed about everything while I am the one who remains calm, cool and collected. Funny how that works! Once we get back on the ground, we revert back to our normal roles haha!

We just had to stop at Jack in the Box tacos for Dax on the way home from the airport. It is kind of his tradition when arriving in Texas. He just cannot be that close to a Jack without stopping! We got back in time for Harlow's first real bathtub bath and a story time with Poppa K.
The next day all the family came by Poppa and Grammie's house to officially meet Harlow. At any given moment on this trip, Harlow had large groups of people crowed around her just staring at her. These pictures are actually what happened...I'm not making it up! I was getting a little nervous that she would forget what Mom and Dad looked like! Of course, when you are as precious as our little girl is, how can you blame anyone for wanting to just stare at her? As you can clearly see, Poppa and Grammie are shoving people aside so they can be in the front!

We spent some time at the barn and on the patio just visiting with our family and some friends who stopped by that we do not get to see often. It was a nice afternoon! We also got to see "Little Luke" as Dax like to call his 16 month old cousin, Lucas. He is adorable and was lots of fun to watch tot around the yard.
We stayed busy this week visiting both Poppa's and Grammie's work. They were so proud to show off their new grand baby. I found out that a lot of people actually read my blog!! I'm so glad that we are able to keep so many people up to date with Harlow and all the exciting events in her life with everyone!
We were looking forward to our visit this trip with little Hank, our dear friends Jason and Erika's new baby boy. He was only 2 weeks old when we saw him. What a little peanut. How crazy it was to hold him and to realize how much Harlow has already grown up in these first 3 months. It is amazing yet also sad for me. Time is just flying by and I can't do anything to slow it down. Having Harlow in our life has truly been the most fulfilling 3 months of my 30 years. I love her more today than I did yesterday and I know now that our love will never stop growing. How blessed we are.
These pictures are so cute of Jason and Dax with their little ones. 3 months seems like a lot of time now, but we also realize that in a few years, months do not matter as much! "Hank and Harlow" sounds so cute together....just saying....
We also made it to all the Tex-Mex favorites with Harlow: Manny's, Gloria's, Campzano's (2 times!) and technically the Taquria in Belton thanks to Uncle Connie. We also made it to Babe's, Saltgrass, and Gordo's. As always, I know I packed on an extra 5 LBs this trip, probably Dax too. Harlow usually does great at the resturants, sleeping for the most part as long as she has been fed. People have been telling us that it will not last forever. So, ya, we are enjoying it while it lasts!
Harlow attended her Sip N See that her Aunts and Grammie had been planning for a long time. Again, she looked precious in her dress and black flower headband. Sip N See day wasn't her best, as she was very tired and was in a loud house full of ladies who wanted nothing but to love on her! We all survived though. My mom and dad drove down so they could attend the Sip N See as well as her Baptism the next day. They also brought my 5 year old niece Piper along. It really made the trip special. It was so nice to see Piper and introduce her to her sissy-cousin. We use the term "sissy" loosely in this house. As of now, we have a sissy-dog and a sissy-cousin. I think it's safe to say that Piper had a great time and made quite an impact on Dax's family. Doug (Poppa K) got a taste of what Harlow will most surely be like in 5 years from now. It'a always interesting with Piper around, that is for sure!

The last day of our trip was Sunday. Harlow was baptized at the church where Dax grew up attending and where we still attend when we are back for Christmas. We were so happy that she was able to get christened at the church that is so special to Dax's family. She looked like an angel in her beautiful dress. Grammie did such an great job with her baptism outfit. Harlow was sleeping during the service which I was so happy about. I knew that she would at least be cooperative (and not crying or fussing) until the water was splashed on her head. But, just before we were supposed to stand up for her service, she woke up! Dax and I both looked at each other and hoped for the best. She was perfect. Her beautiful big eyes were as wide as could be, looking out the the congregation like she understood exactly what was going on.

So, that sums up our week in Texas. We had a blast, but it was nice to be home. Sissy-dog Leyla had a great time at the neighbors but she was also ready for us to all be together again.