Finally, right? Yes, it has been awhile since our last post and clearly it is past Harlow's 1 year birthday. But, I'm just now getting around to editing her pictures. In my iPhoto folder, I have over 11,000 pictures, 95% of which are from 12-17-2010-present. That is just ridiculous. Just until last week, we couldn't find our computer stick to transfer pictures from camera to computer so that held me up a bit as well. So, here they are! As you can see, we have a tough time getting her to look at the camera. Dad tries his best, but she usually just stares at him with her mouth gaping open. Haha. So.......we did the unthinkable. We took her to Sears to get some pictures done *gasp*. Hey, let me just say, I have nothing against Sears Portraits, but it's just not my style. But I was desperate, it was January, almost a month past her 12 month birthday for crying out loud! I couldn't get her to look at me and I was yelling at Dax like it was his fault. There was no time to book a photographer at this point in the game. Anyway, the photographer at Sears was able to get a ton of shots with her looking directly into the camera! I was so jealous! Those pictures are not available online but no worries, we got enough for everyone to have at least a couple! Coming soon! Here are mom's version, which by the way, I still love!!

And now......
Meet Gianni. This is the son of a dear friend who just adopted this beautiful little peanut. I was lucky enough to get to photograph him the other day at just 7 days old. Boy, he is just yummy! At 6.5 lbs, he was smaller than LoLo ever was! And so much more mellow than our little gal. I remember having to do lots of shushing and patting to get Harlow's newborn shots done. This little man let me move him any which way for hours while he was content to sleep! It was a bunch of fun and another learning experience for me! The white quilt was made by his grandmother who is critically ill with cancer and not expected to live more than a few more days. I really wanted her to be able to see a photo of her grandson with the blanket before she passes. It was truly an honor to hold this little baby with his whole life ahead of him knowing he is surrounded by so much love ♥