The best thing is that LB kicks all day now. I actually got it on video the other night because he was kicking so strong. Dax was away in Vegas so I took a quick video and sent it to him. My stomach actually moves! I can't believe that this little pepper sized baby can kick so hard already!
Welcome! This blog follows the life of Dax, Jess, Big Sister Harlow, Little Brother Isaac and Leyla the Dog. I am blessed enough to be a mostly stay at home mama and created this blog for all our friends and family who are scattered across the country. I have always enjoy taking photos to document our lives and my newest subjects are the best yet!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Dax is home!
Dax got home from his trip to Las Vegas very late Monday night. I was supposed to pick him up at 1:30 AM in Ft. Lauderdale. I started to fall asleep on the couch, so I set my alarm. Well, my alarm didn't go off and I woke up at 1:40 when he called me to say he was waiting on the curb. Whoops! I felt really bad that he had to wait, it was already a 5 hour flight that was delayed 2 hours! We didn't get to bed until 3:30 that night. But yesterday, we got so much done! We have been cleaning out our guest bedroom slowly and trying to figure out where we are going to put all this extra stuff that apparently you need when you have a baby. We have no extra closets. We have no extra storage. And I am already OCD enough to go through our things regularly and purge what we don't need or use for donations. But, we managed to come up with enough stuff to join our friends this weekend in a garage sale. So, Dax was really excited to help me organize the garage and all that extra stuff when it was about 115 degrees in there yesterday. But, it's done and I feel so much better about being able to add this little one to our tiny house. He's gonna fit just perfect.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
First kick. Or punch?
My dad asked me to write in our blog at least once a week, so I'm trying Dad! This week (or was it technically last week??) I felt LB kick for the first time! There was no doubt of what it was! And it was totally insane. I can't wait until Dax can feel it too. LB seems to like early morning and late evening for his soccer practice when I am laying still and flat. I love feeling it and only wish he'd do it all day. But I guess he needs his sleep too. I wonder what Dax will do if LB wants to play football *gasp* instead of basketball? We'll have to see how developed his kicking skills are in about 5 years from now.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I've been busy!
I have been waiting to find out what we were going to have before I started some nursery projects I have been dreaming of. So, now that we know it's a boy, it's time to get busy! I was at the fabric store picking out some fabric for my little project. It brought back so many memories of my Granny Connelly. I just had to call my dad and tell him what I was doing and who I was thinking about. It made me think of her since she made everything I wore until the age of 6 or so. She was an excellent seamstress and I wish she was around to teach me her art. I think she'd like my baby wipes, even though I didn't need a needle or thread!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Home sweet home
We just got back from our trip to Texas last night. Leyla missed us but I think she had a great time playing with her two favorite dog-friends, Misty and Chloe, at the neighbors house while we were gone. We had such a great weekend at the Lake house with all of Dax's family! They always feed us so good while we are there, mostly Tex Mex, but this time we got some really good home cooked meals as well!
If you are following our blog, you probably saw the video we posted last week of the baby's gender reveal. We were supposed to wait a couple of more days until we opened the package, but we just couldn't wait that long! It's funny because both Dax and I thought the whole time we were having a boy, so it really wasn't that big of a shock! We have already started shopping, it has been so much fun picking out things our son will actually wear!!! I'm sure the Grandma's are feeling the same way. We left Texas with huge bag of adorable and precious little onsies, a stuffed monkey and a Puppy/Leyla book! Sadly, we are on the back end of my summer break, so I am trying to get all the things done that I wanted to accomplish this summer. There is still a lot on my list!!
Thanks for all the name suggestions Josh, man, we have our work cut out for us now. Dax's family all gave us their best ideas as well, so hopefully, this little baby will get a name by his birthday!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Here is a quick update...exciting news!!! (click the link) We are so happy to share these moments with our family and friends. This has been an amazing experience, and will only get better from here. Thanks for all the you can all go shopping!
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