Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dax turns 30!

We celebrated Dax's birthday on Saturday at one of his favorite restaurants, Cantina Laredo. It was a surprise birthday party a couple of days early so Dax didn't have a clue what was planned for him. Our friends decorated the restaurant and table and waited for us to arrive. Dax was a good sport and wore all the obnoxious "30th" birthday gear. We finished the night at our house with good music, drinks and games. Oh, and of course since it was for Dax, a chocolate chip cookie cake. All in all it was a fun night-even Leyla was on her best behavior. Once again, we are reminded of what great friends we have here in Florida.

As requested by many of you, I will try to post a picture so you can see my growing belly. I feel huge most days but try to remind myself, this is only the beginning. Any non-maternity clothes are pretty much out of the question at this point. I sometimes forget that I can't bend very far at the waist anymore. Just the other day, I was on the floor and cleaning out a cupboard in my classroom at school when a bug crawled out. I screamed (of course) and tried to get up, only I couldn't bend forward...I was stuck on the floor with this stupid bug crawling closer to me. Finally, I kicked my legs out in front of me and pushed back, rolled over and got up. Geez, I had no idea it would ever take me that long just to get up from the floor!!! Dax has been super helpful around the house and while doing chores. I'm trying to be mindful of every move I make. Since I am surrounded by miniature short furniture (and people, lol) daily, and it puts a lot of strain on your back. Needless to say, Dax has been great so far.

That's all for now! Our next appointment is not for a few more weeks. But we will continue to try and update each week.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And we have a......

All doubts were laid to rest today, it’s still a girl! We went back to the 7-11 ultrasound (what Poppa K calls it) and got to see our little girl in action. Miss LB was moving and grooving the whole time, even showing us her face! She is already more than 1 pound! The verdict is still out, but Jessica is still hoping she gets the Curtis nose, just like her Daddy. We will attempt to add some pictures, and if we are fancy enough, even a video of our session. The woman felt so terrible for getting the gender wrong the first time, she gave us TWO more FREE sessions. This is exciting to us, because we will not get anymore from the doctor. The baby registry can officially be changed and all purchases by the Grandmas can begin! BTW, Grandpa Doug already has a name (Poppa K), but all the other’s still need suggestions. Instead of giving us baby girl name suggestions, can you think of any for the Grandparents? We won’t see the doctor for a while but we will try to update regularly with any new developments!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goodbye sweet boy, hello precious girl!

Well, we spent Sunday afternoon returning all the boy clothes, bedding and decor we have been collecting over the last 5 weeks. We look forward to starting over sometime soon, just not right now!

Our really good friends, Eric and Nichole, passed on a huge amount of girl clothes from their little one, Hayden. It was a lot of fun going through the clothes (and shoes) today. They also passed on a bassinet among other little things. We also have some other friends, Danny and Danielle, who have given us some baby items that will come in handy as well. We are so lucky to have such generous friends!

We are slowly adjusting to the idea of our healthy little girl but have to correct ourselves when we talk about him, errr, I mean her. We have no idea of names, so don't bother even asking us. We are clueless. But we are pretty sure no baby ever leaves the hospital without a name, so we are not too worried.

School has started for me, no more summer break. I will be starting with only 4 or 5 students, a GREAT number to start with. Dax's busiest part of the year will also begin this week. No more lazy summer days filled with naps. Boo hoo, I am not ready to get back to real life.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More exciting news!

Today was our 20 week ultrasound. If you’re familiar with pregnancy in the modern era you know that 20 weeks is a big appointment. They call it the anatomy appointment, because most of the body parts and organs are developed. During the ultrasound the technician measures lengths of arms/legs, watches the heart function, looks at the spine, etc. We are proud to report that all is well, and LB is happy and healthy.

The most exciting part for most parents is the unveiling of the sex of the baby. If you’re one of the fans of this blog you know that we’ve already been privilege to this wonderful news. We had an extra ultrasound done prior to a trip to Texas to hang out with family, and found out we are having a bouncing baby boy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..or so we thought.

I guess there is a reason the Dr. wants to wait until 20 weeks. That is because at some point, girl parts look like boy parts. Without blowing our blog’s PG rating I’ll just say that what we thought was a boy part wasn’t a boy part at all. It was a girl part that was outside of the girl (which is normal at early stages). That’s right folks…a girl part. We’re having a baby girl.

The shock has still not settled, but we are full of excitement with our new “developments”. The thrill of having a baby, any baby, will always be with us.


J & D

Summer is over

I guess it is time for an update. Today is my last day of summer! I'm so sad that it is over. Leyla is going to miss having me around most of the day. I have to get used to that 6 AM alarm again, which I am NOT excited for at all. But, I have only 17 weeks of school (or less!!) to get through so I know time will fly. This week, we are at the half way point! I can't believe we made it this far already. Time flies when you're having fun.

As far as LB, he is kicking all the time and is about the size of a banana. I have my 20 week u/s tomorrow, so that will be lots of fun. We will get to see all his organs and a really up close look at his development. He is kicking me right now, so I guess he wanted to say "hi" too!

We will update again after our appointment!