Poor baby has been sick 2 times in the last month. The first time, she got a really high fever of 101.4 (at least to us who never had experienced ANY health issues with her) and was just not her normal self. Turns out she had some kind of virus. Then, a few days later, she broke out into a full body rash. After a visit to the doctors, we found out her virus was actually called Roseola. That was really hard to see her suffering and not feeling well. At the doctors, she had to get blood taken and she must have my veins (small) because the nurses couldn't get a sample and had to dig around quite a bit. It was horrible. Reminded me of the feeling I had when she was only 1 day old and the stupid blood tech lady came into our hospital room at like 5 AM to take her blood to check her levels for jaundice. The tech didn't say one word about what she was doing with my baby, just poked her heel and then started to squeeze it to get the blood out for the next 10 minutes. To this day, I have never heard Harlow scream so loud (or long). I really wanted to hurt that lady for hurting my baby like that. Anyway, the same week she had the virus, she cut not 1, but 2 bottom teeth! We thought we were in the clear from her virus and then a few days later she started vomiting! BTW, she likes to get sick after hours so mom and dad have to call the on-call doctor and visit the 24 hour peditricians....that's fun. This time, it just another virus and maybe a cold since she is really congested. But she got so dehydrated we had to syringe fluids into her every hour so she wouldn't have to go to the hospital. She is finally back to eating regular, but still is having difficulty breathing. I know it's all part of growing up, she has to fight those viruses to get antibodies built up. Still, it's very difficult to see your baby feeling poorly and not being able to do much. Plus I wasn't expecting her to get sick with me being home with her so much. But, it's life!
Tomorrow, we have our 6 month appointment! We are excited to see the doctor and find out what is going on with our little Harlow. I know she is hitting all her milestones (physical and social) right on target so I'm not worried at all. As you can tell from her pictures, she can give you a huge gummy smile that just lights up the world! We just did some family photos so I'm excited to get a few prints and hang them up in our house. That's all for now. I have been having a really hard time with some of my photos not loading onto the blog, etc. so that is why there has been so much time in between posts. I've been practicing editing on photoshop and it tends to make files larger and more complicated to upload. I'm going to be adding a bunch of pictures here today though!!
I had to get some of those messy face while eating pictures. Those cheeks are so adorable!

Here is her 6 month picture...I am working on a story board of months 2-6...

We went to the zoo the other night. It was seriously 99.999999999% humidity. I really hate this part of the year here. The little boy is Vincenzo, one of my clients. He loved Dax and only wanted to call him Daddy (I guess all men are Daddy). He also adores Harlow!
Harlow's first trip to the zoo. I think we are going to get a annual pass so we can go all the time! She loved it, and actually watched the tiger display...we were surprised to say the least!
Some more headbands and outfits. Mommy has been busy again!

I told you she had TWO teeth in there!

Don't forget to check out our YouTube channel by clicking here. I've uploaded some videos....
Click on the storyboard below to see it larger.
On my computer, if I click it twice, it gets even bigger. This literally took me all day to complete. Story boards are not as easy as they may look. And this was a pretty straightforward one. By the time Harlow is 5, I may have a degree in photo editing and web design, jeez, this is hard stuff!

Here is her 6 month picture...I am working on a story board of months 2-6...

We went to the zoo the other night. It was seriously 99.999999999% humidity. I really hate this part of the year here. The little boy is Vincenzo, one of my clients. He loved Dax and only wanted to call him Daddy (I guess all men are Daddy). He also adores Harlow!

Click on the storyboard below to see it larger.
On my computer, if I click it twice, it gets even bigger. This literally took me all day to complete. Story boards are not as easy as they may look. And this was a pretty straightforward one. By the time Harlow is 5, I may have a degree in photo editing and web design, jeez, this is hard stuff!

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