Day in the Life of Harlow
Harlow is now 10.5 months old and continues to light up our life every day. After eating dinner tonight, this old couple stopped by our table to pay us the nicest compliment. They wanted to tell us how precious and adorable Harlow is (nothing new to have people stop us to say this to us), but then they added how obvious it was that we loved our daughter and enjoyed spending time with her. It's true. We absolutely love her more than any mushy feeling we've ever had in our lives. She is "our everything", "our world", and all the other cheesy cliches used to describe love. Hope you enjoy watching how we spent our day together!
♥ Jess and Dax ♥
This is me, Harlow Kuykendall. I wake up in the morning and play with my toys inside my crib until my Mommy or Daddy come and get me.

This is my yummy breakfast. Daddy made me eggs this morning and I also ate my oatmeal cereal mixed with fruit.

This is me and Sissy-Dog Leyla getting ready to go for our morning walk.

Mommy put a blanket on me, I think it was a bit of an overkill, as it was only 65 degrees, but whatever floats her boat. She gets so happy when it cools off!

After we got home, it was time to get dressed for the day. Mom said something about going to the mall to start some Christmas shopping! Fun!!

Sissy-Dog Leyla likes to be in everyone's business, all the time. So annoying to my mom and dad, but I love it!

Here I am! I love this outfit and my Tiny Toms!

This is one of my favorite past times while at home. Getting into my food drawer and pulling out everything I can get my grubby hands into. What does grubby mean? My mom always calls my hands that when I am getting into things.

After playing around this morning while mom and dad got ready, I busted my dang lip. It hurt pretty bad, but my Mommy got me some ice to put on it. That helped some and before I knew it, I forgot it even happened! BTW people, do you think you could do a little bit better job of wiping my face after I eat? I mean this was a good 2 hours after I had eaten. It's getting embarrassing guys.

We made it to the mall!

Eating lunch at the food court!

Yay, it's play time. Why does that kids place smell like dirty feet?

We got home in time for me to take my afternoon nap and play for a little bit. Now, it's time to get ready for dinner. I puked on my outfit, so my Mommy decided I'd better change.

This is my second favorite past time. I love to close the door, then pry it open with my free hand while standing like a big girl.

This time, Sissy-Dog Leyla was on the other side (no surprise, remember I told you she is always in everyone's business?)

See ya!

My Mommy was being silly trying to take a picture by herself! Man, I am a Que-Tee.

Yummy! Dinner time!

Sitting at the bar with Dad and Mom waiting for our table. Everyone loved me (as usual) and I even got TWO people saying I was the cutest baby they had ever seen for a grand total of 3 people for the day. To be honest, that is a little under my average. But these 2 people today both even had their own kids. Wow, sucks for those kids. One lady especially loved my "style". I do happen to like this outfit. Especially my kicks. So comfy.

I'm watching the bartenders intently while they mixed drink's I'll never have. (Mommy says they all taste yucky and I believe everything my Mommy says!)

Yummy, glo-sticks. Those bartenders were so nice to me!

First time in a booster seat! I sat pretty good, but thought it was so funny to tear up the paper table cloth. Come on people, what did you expect?

This is my first time eating Mahi Mahi. It was so delicious! I ate more than my Mommy!

How silly am I??

Finally, we were home. I ate so much, my tummy is so full and I am so tired!! But I didn't "lose my mind" like my Mommy always says. I held it together.

No wonder my Daddy's back hurts after giving me a bath, I'm so slippery I slide all over the place.

This is the time I like to be really squirmy. It's extra fun to do it with Daddy because he is much slower at putting on the diapers. He thinks if he gives me that silly bunny I will hold still.

Nope, I just throw it on the floor! Haha Daddy!

I decided to give Mommy one more big smile before I retired for the night. I do love these jammies that my Grammie got me. They remind me of my Sissy-Dog Leyla and make me have nice dreams

Here is my sleep sack. It keeps me nice and cozy at night.

Finally, it's bedtime. I'm so tired after my day with my Mommy and Daddy!

This is how I like to sleep. With my lovies at my side and paci's in both hands. I love my Dad and Mom for not taking away my paci's yet.

Night night everyone! See you next time!
♥ Harlow