Here are a couple of pictures that we think look like her cousin, Piper. My family has said many times that Piper and me share the same expressions. I think Piper looks an awful lot like her Mommy, but clearly she also shares her Daddy's genes as well.
I have always thought all of this is very interesting. Dax and his mom look very similar, only the main difference of boy and girl, and Connor and Doug looks alike as well. But in my opinion, Dax and Connor look nothing alike. I think that Josh and I look more alike than my oldest brother Kris. But then, Mathew and Kris look very close at times. My grandpa Snodgrass had red hair, so does Kris and Mathew, but not me or Josh! The craziest thing is the mannerism that get passed down. Mathew's verbal responses often sound just like Kris. And Kris often reminds me of my dad. So, we are all connected in some way!
Here are some random pictures from last week. Harlow playing with Leyla. Leyla tolerates much more than she used to. Harlow has discovered her tail and always wants to yank on it!

Like Mother like Daughter