The other day I went into Harlow's room and this is what I found. She now loves to climb up on furniture whenever she gets a chance. In her room, she knows there is a pile of books by her chair so she was reaching clear over the edge o to grab them. She also likes to mess with her noise machine, trying to figure out how to turn it on and change the songs. But her most favorite thing to do ever, is the open her dresser drawers and pull out all the clothes inside. She tips over her laundry basket and pulls out her dirty clothes. What a weirdo. She does this No idea what the attraction to the clothes is, but that is what she likes to do so I let her. Only now, I make her clean it up herself.

Snack time on the chair watching Baby Einstein....

Her overall development is right on track in all domains (language, social, physical and cognitive). At her 15 month appointment, she weighed 23.5 lbs (50%) and measured 31.25 inches tall (75%). I enjoy watching her play with other similarly aged children to see the differences that are so obvious this early in life. She is a mover, a leader and an explorer. She rarely stops moving, in fact, the only time she really does is when she is sleeping or when she is watching the 25 minute episodes of Baby Einstein. And only then if she has a snack within reach. She works up a sweat just playing in the house. When we are out and about, she will take off and not even look back to check in with me. I suppose she knows I will always be right there, so there is no need. She loves to climb on things and move large things like chairs and benches. She tries to pick up really heavy items and move them too. She doesn't mind getting dirty. The days I put her in dresses seems to be a hassle for her to maneuver around in. She has bumps and bruises on her legs. She is really a tomboy!
She understands all of these "commands" which is called receptive language. At this point in time, her receptive language is much more developed than her expressive language.
Go get your shoes (she finds a matching pair)
Go get a diaper
Go throw this away
Go put your clothes away
Go throw away your diaper
Let's go get dressed (goes to the dresser)
Let's get some breakfast/lunch/dinner (goes to the kitchen and fridge and tries to open up doors)
Clean up
Go get a book
Go give sissy/daddy/mommy a hug/kiss
It's time to go night night (goes to her bedroom)
Where's your paci? (looks in crib for paci)
Where's your tiger/monkey/baby/Rody/bottle/water/snack/brush/etc.
It's time for a bath (signs for bath and goes to bedroom to take off clothes)
It's time to go bye bye (goes and grabs stuffed Tiger and then goes to the door)
It's time to go to the park/walk (goes to door)
There is probably more, but I just can't think of it all right now. She understands a lot which has been fun lately to test her knowledge!
Expressively, she says:
dada (for me and Dax)
Leyla (about 1000 X per day)
Night night
All done
Moo (for cow)
Ruff (for dog)
Roar (for lion)
mama (but only when she is really tired and whiny)
And these are the signs she knows:
All done
Cracker (almost has this one)
What a smart cookie we have! She is also testing her boundaries and knows what she can get away with and at what times. She loves to grab the remotes and point them at the TV or fan or push the buttons on my phone. She knows that with the iPhone you need to "swipe" with your finger on the touch screen. She mostly wants to mess with things that are not allowed and not toys. But she only does it when I'm not in proximity and if she sees me coming to stop her, she will try to get as much of it done as possible before I get to her. The other day, she had opened a wipes container. I told her "no-no" but was clear across the room. She proceeded to pull out as many wipes as quickly as her little hands would work until I reached her to take them away from her. The whole time her eyes were dead set on me. She can be a little stinker but we love her personality so much.
You might have to bolt her dresser to the wall so she does not pull it over if she tries to climb or just get her a tree.