Happy Easter! We had a great family day that started with church and ended with playing outside with Harlow's Easter gift, a new water table to play in outside! Just as we thought, she loved it and had a great time splashing around. She also really enjoyed gathering her eggs, even though we didn't add any candy inside them this year. Yeah, we are no fun. To be fair, we did buy her some chocolate eggs, but her sissy-dog had other plans for them and got to them the first chance she got.
Harlow loves to be outside, so we are working really hard on finding a bigger house that has a nice yard for her to play around in. Sadly, Leyla has pretty much destroyed the yard we have and it is really just a mud pile. Until then, we will play with our new toys on the patio and keep going to the park! Harlow already has a little tan on her arms and legs from playing so much outside! This morning, she wanted to go outside....it was abundantly clear to me by her body language, and her new way to tell us things, nodding her head once and saying "yea". I keep pushing her saying "What do you want?" to see what she would come up with. She ran into her room and got out her shoes and then sat down on the floor so I could put them on her! She is so smart!

Egg hunt in the backyard!

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