Guess I am more busy than I thought. Duh, I already posted Easter pictures. Wow, I must be going crazy. Oh well, have fun looking at them again. I need a nap.
We have been a busy family lately so this weekend, we slowed down a little and just did a whole lot of relaxing and sleeping. We were in bed by 8 PM on Friday and 10 PM on Saturday. It was heaven. Dax has been real busy at work and I have started some of my own work projects so it was much needed quite time. This week will be another busy one, with family pictures being taken on Thursday and then we leave right the after the pictures to go on our annual Keys vacation. This will be our fourth trip to the Keys. Our good friends Chad and Ria always celebrate Chad's b-day in Marathon so this year is no different....except we will have LoLo with us of course! And a ton of baby stuff. Dax and I are super excited to go on our first vacation as a family! We are lucky enough to stay at an awesome location that has a full kitchen so we will be very comfortable with the baby. We plan on hanging out at the pool, going for some boat cruises courtesy of Chad, eating some yummy fresh fish, drinking some cold adult beverages and just hanging out with our friends.
LoLo has made some tremendous gains lately. She is now officially sleeping without a swaddle which makes me so very happy. She has a nice sleep sack that takes place of the traditional blanket, so we know she is nice and safe but also learning how to sleep even when she can move her arms and legs!! No more burrito baby. Although, with all this movement, she has taken to scratching herself a lot. I inspect her nails each and every night and trim as needed, but somehow she manages to find a snag and scrapes across her face, arms or legs. Not good when you have pictures coming up! So, now I put socks on her hands while she sleeps.
Another big milestone is that she has begun to roll over. Both tummy to back and back to tummy. She has only done it a few times unassisted, but all the same, it has been pretty exciting for us! She is very proud herself when she gets over the initial shock of her body moving that much!
The last step we have been working on lately is taking naps in the crib. Until now, she has been sleeping in my arms or with the assistance of some other baby device like the swing or vibe chair. Since I will be going back to work sooner rather than later and we have already had the babysitter a few times, it is time she learns how to sleep in her crib. Right now as I type, she has finally drifted off to sleep (un-swaddled) after me plugging the paci back in about 99 million times. But she IS in the CRIB. So I call that success. One step at a time-right?
That is what has been going on here. I know that I will have some fun pictures to post next weekend after our trip. Here are a few from Easter in her pretty dress she got to wear one last time.

For fun I added this picture from last year's Keys Trip. I was about 6.5 week preggo. And very white compared to Ria.
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