Harlow had her four month appointment on Friday. She is a healthy 14 lbs. 6 ounces (50th percentile) and is 25 1/2 inches long (80th percentile). Her head is still on the small side (30th percentile), heehee. Everything is great with her....we will be starting solids sometime in the next month. Since she is sleeping through the night right now and seems to be satisfied throughout the day, there is no need to start soon. Her are some pictures of our latest adventures!
4 months....
3 months....
2 months....
Hanging out in the swing!
Green Market with Aunt Maggie and Mommy
Smiling at my Daddy!

Look at this scary "Easter Bunny"...next year she will be terrified. As would I!

Easter Sunday with Harlow's first Easter basket. Daddy picked it out and filled it with candy.

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