Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jazz Brunch/Harlow goes swimming

We went to Fort Lauderdale last Sunday for Jazz brunch with our friends the Hawkes (Eric, Nichole, Hayden and Parker), the Jernbergs (Chad and Ria) and Ryan and Katie. Fun was had by all. We ate some yummy brunch food and drinks (think Mimosa's and Blood Mary's) and enjoyed the great weather with little ones all around us.

**All these pics were taken with my iphone, so that is why in some the quality isn't so great.**

Harlow in her pretty dress!
She got tired quickly and took a nice nap in her car seat.
This is one of the those pictures that reminds me I have the most beautiful child EVER. She is so perfectly precious.
The whole gang
Daddy and LoLo
Hayden is such a big girl, and so sweet too...
Parker manTita Ria and LoLo
Both the babies!
Had to change outfits! It was hot and Harlow got sweaty!

Today, we went down to the pool in our community for the first time. We weren't sure if Harlow would love it or hate it. Turns out, she loved it. Well, she didn't hate it at least. No crying, no tears. What a big girl!! I am so excited for summer. I ordered her a floaty with a canopy with UV 50 to protect her from the sun, it is so intense down here in South Florida! I also got her a play tent for the beach with sun protection of UV 50 as well. And some neat sunglasses that strap on with Velcro so they don't fall off! Great idea-right? The last thing I am looking for is a long sleeve swim shirt to protect her arms. Can you tell I am worried about her getting sun burned?? Just last weekend we met some old friends for lunch and were outside for about 10 minutes in the sun. I got red shoulders! So, yea, I am going to make sure she stays covered up and protected!! We have lots of visitors coming this summer (Doug and Sheri, my brother, Tomi and the girls, and Aunt Sarah), so we will be ready for the beach!

On our way to the pool in Harlow's new stroller!
Yay!! In the water with Mommy!!! And Daddy was given specific instructions to keep the camera off Mommy as much as possible, plus I had Harlow to block me, haha!!!
What a big girl!
Look at my cute towel from Aunt Sarah, Uncle Andy and Cousin Max and my swim suit from Grandma Connelly. It fits perfect!
Sigh. Just another reminder of how amazing life can be with this little girl. She is all we ever wanted and every single day is an amazing gift!

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