Here are Harlow's 8 month pictures. She was so chill the night we took these! Poor baby has had a runny nose now for a couple of weeks. She doesn't let it get her down though. It bothers me and Dax more than her! Harlow has recently learned how to perfect the sign "eat". Now it is a delicate tap to her lips. So cute! Also, yesterday she said her first word! Mama! She was rolling around on the floor babbling and I heard "mamamamama" which really isn't anything new. She has said "mamamama" and "daddadadada" lots of times. But this time, I picked her up and praised her when she said it. I waited until she did it again and repeated the praise. Within a few trials, she understood that when she said it, she got picked up and praised! WOW. Smart gal. Of course, with a behavior analyst and teacher as a mother, she didn't really have a chance at not getting that. I hope I don't therapize her too much. The really funny part is I was so excited I called Dax, my mom and Sheri to tell them what she did and put them on speaker so they could hear her. It was sooooooooo cute. But after I hung up with everyone, Harlow kept on saying it. And of course, I had to keep picking her up each time. But it was time to make dinner and get ready for work! Haha, baby girl just learned how to always get my attention no matter what!!!!
This is what happens now when we do our monthly shot! Soon she will just walk off when I try to do my photo shoots!
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