Harlow had a busy weekend with lots of new activities. From pools to puffs to sign language, her life keeps getting more adventurous!
Auntie Maggie got Harlow a pink kiddie pool for Easter, and we had some fun playing in it Saturday afternoon.

Leyla must have been thirsty!

Harlow is still trying to figure out how to crawl....same thing in the pool. She gets up on her knees, scoots and slides, kicks and screams but still no crawling. Should be any day now.

What a cutie!

We started giving her puff cereal this weekend too. She likes them when you feed them to her, but isn't sure what to do when she picks them up herself. It's funny to watch her try and figure it out.
Now you see it....
Now you don't...
Eventually she forgets it is even in her hand, and we feed it to her anyway.
Eventually she forgets it is even in her hand, and we feed it to her anyway.
We'll keep working on that one. The other big development of the weekend was Harlow's first sign for "eat"....no coincidence as eating is one of her favorite things to do! Mommy has been working hard on helping Harlow learn to communicate, so this was exciting. We are working on video, so stay tuned...
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