Tuesday, September 20, 2011

9 months

We had another great visit from Papa K and Grammie from Texas. We spent our days together lounging at the beach, swimming in the pool and eating good food. Harlow provided constant and free entertainment for all. She loves the beach and wanted to play with the sand all day. She loves the pool equally and smiled and laughed the whole time she was in it! Nap time was never an issue as she happily retired to her pack n play in the closet of Papa and Grammie's hotel room. Before you freak out about her being in the closet, it was HUGE and it was COOL and it was DARK. Those three things equal one good thing....sleep. And that's all that matters! Papa K had a great time teasing me about all the yummy food he was giving her while I wasn't looking. She did get some special treats of ice cream though! And just like everything else, she ate it up like nobody's business. Papa and Grammie took her out one night so DK and I could go to a movie. They had a great time strolling her down Atlantic Ave collecting compliments on the babe. I wish we had a dollar for every time someone told us we had a beautiful daughter. We'd be so rich by now. Harlow has already grown accustomed to this lifestyle. If we are in line at the store and she is not being ogled over by store patrons in front of us or behind us, she grows quite haughty. I am working on teaching her a little humility. I will keep you posted.

We went to our 9 month appointment this Monday. Harlow is now 17 pounds 15 ounces (30th percentile) and 28 inches long (75th percentile). We have a long and skinny on our hands. I can't imagine having any other kind of kid, both of her parents used to be this way too. She is still fitting into most of her 6 month clothes, with the exception of the length in pants and jammies. She is still our petite little girl, but is growing at a very steady pace. Her hair is getting thicker and longer, it always has to be brushed now after bath time. When it's wet, it curls up, so I imagine when it grows longer, it will continue to curl. We found out this weekend that Harlow also has small feet! Grammie bought her a pair of Tiny Toms in a size 2. They are so cute! I am very excited to put them on her when we travel to a far away land that actually required socks and shoes to be worn on feet....that would be Nebraska. We leave next Wednesday to visit my family. Although we are very excited for our trip, we (and when I say "we", I mean "I") are very nervous to fly alone and leave Daddy for a WHOLE WEEK! We have lots of fun activities planned though, at the top of our list is seeing Grandpa and Grandma, Uncles and Aunts, Sissy-cousins Piper and Eden, Mathew, and also MAX Fugleberg. I haven't seen Max since he was 6 months old. Shame shame. We are also going to visit a REAL pumpkin patch, not the pumpkins in the parking lot deal (Poor Dax and poor all my South Florida students who never got to visit a real live pumpkin patch). Harlow is starting off her first fall season the right way. Dumped in a pile of pumpkins so mom has a good photo opportunity. I know everyone wants pictures, and not me blabbing. So, I'll go work on that this week. Stay tuned y'all. And don't get used to the live links. I was feeling generous since I have no pictures to share this week.

Lucky you. I found Grammies camera. Here are some pictures of last week!

Happy Birthday Grammie!!

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