Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So this is our first official post. We started this blog in preparation for the arrival of Baby Kuykendall or "Little Bugger" as we have been affectionately calling him/her. We live thousands of miles away from most of our family and friends so transitioning into parenthood may be difficult at times. We hope that this blog will keep everyone connected with what is happening. At least that is the hope.

I imagine that I, (Jessica) will be doing most of the posting, but that's okay. I want you all to know that being away from our family is a very difficult thing. We love you all so much and hope that someday we can all be closer. But until then, we will do the best we can and enjoy the place we are now. It isn't that hard to love South Florida either. I mean we live 5 minutes away from beautiful beaches that people call paradise for crying out loud.

As of today, I am 14 weeks 2 days pregnant with Little Bugger. My official due date is December 26th. I feel bad even typing this, but so far, pregnancy has been pretty darn easy. No morning sickness and no major setbacks. Of course for awhile there, I felt like I could sleep for days and would still be tired, but I think that phase is passing too. I have always struggled with migraines, so it wasn't a shock that they did flair up, but I'm hoping the worst of them are behind me as well. Everything about this pregnancy has been a blessing so it's hard to complain about anything. We feel like we are the most blessed people on the planet and pray that we never take for granted the gift we have received.

If I can figure it out, I will be posting some of the most recent pictures from our ultrasound. It was so neat to see our baby look like an actual baby, not just a blob on the screen. At this point, Little Bugger already has fingers and toes, and can hiccup! So insane. His/her heart is always beating nice and strong and hearing it is the most wonderful sound in the world.

Thanks for reading our blog! We hope you stick around!