Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog issues

Just to give everyone a quick update (without pictures).  Apparently, we have reached the limit of picture storage on the free blog site.  I am working on something else but haven't gotten it quite figured out yet. 

Until are some recent things the kiddies are doing:

Isaac regularly smiles and coos at us.  He likes to eat his hands and reaches for his feet often.  He is sleeping awesome and usually only wakes up a few time per night but goes right back to sleep.  He eats around 5 or 6 then sleeps a little longer.  He will start on some cereal soon!  He is so tall that he has almost grown out of his car seat.  We will have to put him in the convertible seat soon, which means no more lugging his butt around in the car seat.  He loves his sissy and smiles (and stops fussing) when she comes around.  We love him to pieces!  He is a happy guy;-)

Harlow is talking tons, a lot of stuff we can't understand.  She repeats a lot, which is pretty awesome to hear "Caillou" seven hundred times per day.  If you don't know who Caillou is, consider yourself lucky.  She learns new things astonishingly fast.  It's got to be her above average intelligence :-)  She still loves her church school and accurately tells me what she has eaten each day which I think is pretty cool.  This week we are bringing cupcakes for her birthday for all the kiddies.  They will sing to her so that should be fun too!  And this Friday we are packing up and headed to the Big D.  We are not at all nervous flying this time, since we know we have a seat for Lo and we will just hold Ikey between the two of us.  No big deal.  Most of you who read this will see the kids soon, so until then... PEACE (Harlow's favorite thing to say when we leave somewhere, thanks to Daddy).

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween 2012!  We have two cuties to take around this year.  Harlow loved it!  She wore her "costume" to church school this morning and gladly put it back on this evening.  We had been practicing saying "trick or treat" and "Yee Haw" all day long.  She did awesome!  Ike was a trooper as well and made sure everyone in town was on their best behavior, being the sheriff and all.  Here are some cute shots of them both:)

 And yes, we let her eat her candy too!  Yummy!

Funny story about her shirt.  It is actually Isaac's shirt.  But really it belongs to our first son, which turned into Harlow.  Let me explain.  We bought this shirt when we thought that our baby was a boy for 5 weeks-everyone remember that?!?!?!  We named him Cash.  We bought Cash clothes and planned his nursery.  One day we were shopping and found this snap shirt.  I had to get it.  It was so cute and looked like something Dax would wear.  So I bought it.  Then, we found out we didn't have a Cash, we had a girl whom we later named Harlow.  I was able to donate or take back all the many purchases that I had bought in that month for Cash, but for some reason I could not give away that shirt.  So it has been hanging in Harlow's closet forever.  Then, we got pregnant again and now have an Isaac!  We were SOOO going to name him Cash, but for some reason it just never fit right.  It's like we already named a boy that.  Strange, I know.   It took us a few days in the hospital to figure all that out, but now we have a perfect HARLOW and a perfect ISAAC!  But how fitting that Harlow was the first one to wear this shirt!  Funny how these things work out sometimes!

And just because they are so are some before church the other day.  Harlow INSISTED on wearing her black fancy shoes.  The poor thing had blisters on the backs of her heels but still wouldn't take them off. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sharing some story boards

Just because I'm experimenting with some story board formats, here are a couple! And because big sissy has had the spotlight for quite some time, it's about time that Isaac gets a little face time front and center.  I'd love to get a picture of them both, but I can't get one that I'm satisfied with yet...imagine that.