Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Texas Trip

We have been in Texas for almost 2 weeks, just got back yesterday. While we were there, we attended two weddings and many other family events in between. As always, our daughter was a trooper and tolerated all the busy days and many admirers like a champ. The plane rides to and from were pretty uneventful, just like you'd want them to be (and without drugs, haha!). We saw all our Texas family and friends over the course of our stay and just like always, it was a welcomed break from our sometimes boring life here in Florida. Grammie, Papa K and Uncle Connor had such a good time visiting with Harlow. I think that Uncle Connor was Harlow's favorite (don't tell Grammie or Papa K). Every time he was around her, she would watch him intently and look for him when he left the room. Harlow spent a lot of quality time getting to know her grandparents and uncle. By the time we left, she responded to their faces and voices! Soon she will be calling them by name...if Papa K made any impact that is...he spent a few minutes each day trying to get Harlow to say "PAPA".

One day we took the time to visit the Dallas Aquarium. Harlow really enjoyed all the displays and surprised us by her attention span for all the fast moving fish and other animals. We would like to go back again at Christmastime. We also spent time at Aunt Ali and Uncle Joe's house for a pre wedding pool party. We got to see all the aunts and cousins while we went swimming. It was above 100 degrees almost every day....who would have thought it would be hotter than South Florida??

We already miss everyone. Especially today. I spent my day trying to put our house back in order, but Little Miss Thing was used to about a million people holding to her and talking to her every waking minute. She wanted to know why mommy couldn't do the same for her at home. I finally had to strap her in the Moby and do my housework with her literally attached to me.

Hanging out on the porch before bedtime....perfect lighting!!

I told you I would put this in anyway....so next time SMILE

Dallas Aquarium

Petting the cows with Papa K in the barn

Harlow with P and G at Jason and Erika's wedding

At Aunt Ali and Uncle Joe's house
Probably the first picture of Josie ever holding a baby. Just kidding!

Harlow and Lucas....kissing cousins....

Why does this child always look her cutest while getting a bath?? Adorable!!!

And on our last day I did a photo shoot by the barn trying to capture that magic hour just before sunset. I had everything ready, except the correct camera settings. Darn it, that is why these have so much noise. And oh yeah...I had a little help at the end with some...errr extra props....(thanks Uncle Sid)

Just another night on the farm

And last but not least, we took her 7 month before we left the house
That should tide everyone over for awhile. Night night.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Our little nugget

How is it that this little girl was such a wee thing 6 months ago? All curled up in her Daddy's arms. It's pretty amazing how fast they grow and change. It's also pretty remarkable how much Dax and I have changed as well. Almost as much as Harlow. Looking back, what did we do with all our time? There must have been so much of it! Now, my life is consumed by when the last time Harlow pooped, when is the next time she might be hungry, when is nap time that day, and how am I going to fit in a trip to the grocery store, pick up my books I reserved at the library (we only do pick up at the library, no browsing) and make sure all the laundry gets dried and folded before it wrinkles. But, man do I love it! It is so much better than being physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted every day from a job that can be very thankless. Harlow thanks me every single day with each smile, chuckle and snort. She reminds me of how important of a job it is to be a parent. We want to be the best we can for her, live by example like our parents did for us. We want to teach her the importance of being NICE to one another, doing kind things for OTHERS, and enjoying each day we are BLESSED with.

We are so excited to be among our family in a few short days. We are headed to Texas for almost 2 weeks! We have two weddings to attend, the first with our dear friends Erika and Jason and the second, cousin Mckenzie and Joseph! It's going to be so nice to have a change of pace and a lot of exciting fun-filled days! I know Grammie and Papa K can hardly contain themselves! See you soon guys! XOXO

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bath time at Harlow's house

Harlow has been sitting up during her bath times...she is playing with toys and having a good old time. We haven't transitioned her into the big bathtub yet since it is very cramped in that bathroom and Dax and I don't want to squat down that far. So, the kitchen sink will be the place as long as we can make it last!!

She figured out how to "drown" it.

Seriously, how cute is this baby?? Come ON!!

And this is what mommy finds in the morning when Daddy picked out last nights jammers. Really Dax? Interesting. Yes, that shirt is too small. So are the pants.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy July 4th!



And some fun vintage edits: