Thursday, September 23, 2010

Homesick Today

Today I'm missing my family a whole lot! We had a consultation set up for a pediatrician's office in Boynton. We had to fill out a brief information sheet before we met the doctor. One of the questions asked us to list an "Emergency Contact" (other than the parents of the patient). It made me sad, because I didn't know who to put down! Who do we want called in case we are not able to be with our child in an emergency situation?

Don't feel too sorry for us, because we have met some of the most amazing friends down here- friends who will be friends for life. And I know for a fact that any one of them would be more than willing to be our "Emergency Contact". But it just hit me that LB doesn't have one single family member here in Florida besides me and Dax. I guess you don't really think about those things until you have a child. It's time to move closer to home folks. I know it will happen someday, but the sooner the better...


  1. Hmmm
    We look forward to the day you can move closer to home

  2. I will ALWAYS be your Florida Emergency Contact!!!

  3. Thanks Danielle, you are part of the "friends for life" crew. XXOO
